Before you can register for an event, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Sign Up and Find Your Member ID
  2. Create your clubs and members to them

Creating your delegation and populating your roster

  • Click on all events under the Find an Event section of the side-menu.
  • Click on register under the event you wish to register to.

Screenshot of the registration system's "all events" page on the "public events" tab, here showing an event named AMJRF test taking place virtually on February 28, 2021. Registration opened October 20, 2020 and closed February 28, 2021. The event was open for anyone to register to. At the bottom is a blue button saying "register"

  • You will be prompted to name our delegation, this is most likely your club name, but may be different in international competitions.
  • You will see yourself as the first person in your roster. Click the add people section to expand it.

screenshot of the registration system looking at a delegation for an event, it's on the "Roster" tab in the navigation, the first expandable section "Add People" is highlighted with a red circle. Below we can just glimpse the "Your Event Roster" section showing a list of people already in the roster.

  • You will be presented with all people in clubs you are an administrator in. Check the checkbox next to all the competitors, judges and volunteers from your club(s) that will take part in this event.

  • Click add people when all people you wish to add have been selected. You can add more people later if you want to, until you lock your delegation for edits.

Adding athletes to entries

  • Click on the entries tab in the top menu and select the first event to register from the competition eventdropdown.
    • If the event has multiple competitions (such as Junior World Championships, Senior World Championships) you may have to select the competition first, a dropdown will be visible to the left of the competition event dropdown.

screenshot of the registration system's delegation pages, "entries" has been selected in the top menu (and is circled in red in the screenshot), the dropdown menu "competition event" to the right of the page has also been highlighted with a red circle.

  • Click the plus (+) next to all the athletes you wish to compete in that event.
  • Verify that the gender category and age group match. If they do not, contact the event organisers and they will help you correct it.
  • If the event requeires music you will be able to upload the music for each entry as you create them, or you can come back later, click on an entry to open it up and upload the music.
Note: it is not necessary to click save as each competitor is added, once an entry has filled up the system will save it and create a new one automatically, but you will need to save the last entry before switching events.
  • Once all competitors have been added to events, be sure to save the last entry before proceeding
  • Repeat this section for all remaining competitions and competition events.

Once youa re done, you can get an overview of your entries by clicking review entries in the top-menu. You can export this list to excel by clicking export.

screenshot of the registration system showing the "review entries" tab (circled at the top) of the delegation view. it also has the "export" button to the right of the page circled in red. Below it are dropdowns to filter the list based on competition event, agegroup and gender category, and below those is a table showing entries with their id, competition event, agegroup, gender category, list of participants, and any status messages such as "missing participants" or "missing music"

Nominating judges and volunteers

  • Click on the volunteer nominations tab in the top menu. You will be presented with volunteer positions you can nominate people to.

screenshot of the registration system showing the "volunteer nominations" tab of the delegation view, to the left your delegation roster, to the right are four volunteer roles, "Difficulty Judge", "Presentation Judge", "Required Elements Judge", and "Speed Judge" shown as cards with an empty person slot in

  • Click on the volunteer position you wish to nominate people to.
  • Click the plus (+) next to all the people you want to nominate for that volunteer position. You can nominate any number of people to each position, for example four people to the "Difficulty Judge" slot. The same person can be added to multiple volunteer positions, and athletes can also be nominated.

screenshot of the registration system, "Jane Doe" has been nominated as "Difficulty Judge"

Lock delegation

If you wish to signal to the event organisers taht you have completed your roster, entries and volunteer nominations before the registration end date you can lock you delegation from the "roster" page. This will prevent any further edits to the roster, entries or volunteer nominations.

Thanks to Jason Bail for contributions to these instructions