To sign up for the IJRU registration system, start by logging in using your IJRU account

Go to the IJRU Registration System

You can use your existing IJRU account to sign in - You have an IJRU account if you have used the IJRU Learning Portal.

Once you have logged in the Registration system will ask you for some further personal details, these are required to participate in any IJRU event.

Note: Accounts in the IJRU Registration system are PERSONAL use your own name and keep the password to yourself.
The system can have multiple administrators for clubs and events, if you need to have shared access.
Read more: Club Roles and Event Roles

Screenshot of the signup page in the IJRU Registration System

Once you have entered your information into the IJRU Registration system and clicked "sign up" you will be redirected to the dashboard where you, among other things, can find you member ID. In some instances you may be required to send your member ID to get access to invitation only competitions, such as the IJRU championships

Screenshot of the IJRU Registration System's dashboard which has "Member ID: 1" circled. The member ID is located o the top of the page besides the user's photo and below their name